Plantago spp
Family: Plantaginaceae
Plantain in the Garden Ecosystem
Plantain is a common weedy medicinal plant that grows wordwide. Some varieties of this herbaceous plant, like the kind found in Texas, have smaller leaves while the Turkish Plantain featured below has giant leaves and very tall seed spikes. It‘s a beautiful plant that does well in partial shade and is a great companion to fruit trees, as its big leaves help provide a living mulch that nourishes the soil.

Working with Plantain
Plantain is also a helpful first aid plant, particularly topically for bites, stings, scrapes, and bruises. It’s cooling, moistening, and astringent properties also make it a helpful plant for the digestive system. Mash the leaves with a little bit of water to make a poultice (can add bentonite clay to help it stick) and apply directly onto the wound. Plantain’s cooling, moistening, and astringent properties also make it a helpful plant for the digestive system. It can be cooked into food, steeped as a tea, or made into preparations with vinegar, oil, or alcohol.
These statements are for educational purposes only. They have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a licensed health care professional before consuming a new plant -- especially if you are pregnant or have pre-existing medical conditions.